Bookkeeping and Accounting

Bookkeeping and Accounting

This is a PARTIAL list of current jobs in

Westchester & Fairfield Counties

and New York City.

  • College Grads | Lower Fairfield County

    Salary: $50k - $80k  |  Bonus and benefits

    Seeking bright, ambitious college graduates on fast track! Great entry and mid-level positions in Fairfield County, CT available now for graduates in Finance, Human Resources, Legal, Consumer Products, Healthcare, Event Planning/Hospitality, Marketing etc. Work in diverse cultures with intelligent and interesting people. Superb benefits and bonus.

    To apply for this job, email your details to

Our Employee Recruiting Agency Can Help!

Salary: $40k to $100k ++

We have a constant flow of positions with a wide variety of opportunities!

If you don’t see what you are looking for, it could be coming sometime soon or just filled.

Please touch base with us regularly! 

Thank you.

Apply Now!
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